Walnut Point Cleanup

Monday, 11 March 2013

When you think about what the average college student is doing with their Saturday, community service probably isn't always the first thing that comes to mind. But over the weekend students from the University of Illinois proved that good deeds don't go unnoticed. Newswatch's Jessica Dixon joined the students in a weekend of work. Luckily, Students from a University of Illinois fraternity were there to help clean up Walnut Point State Park in Oakland Saturday. Over 120 of them showed up to saw, cut, pick up, shovel, and rake... and they say, all for their commitment to service. Even though they expected sunny skies... not even couple of rain drops could slow them down. Student Cole Boozer says helping others is a simple act of kindness. And as site supervisor Tom Hintz says, they made this small piece of the state a better place to the people who plan to visit in the spring.

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