Local Philippines

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

One of the strongest storms on record slammed the central Philippines last week, leaving thousands of people dead and several others missing. Due to power outages, trying to reach loved ones is nearly impossible and for days a Coles County family has waited by the phone wondering if their family is OK. Charleston residents Jhoanna Lawson and her brother-in-law Romel Torrepalma say they still wait to hear from their family overseas. Lawson says although those who live in the Philippines are used to these types of storms, this one was much different by tearing up most of the island. The news coverage is the only way families in different countries can make sure their loved ones are still alive. Lawson says what's most important now are the basic necessities such as water, food and medicine. Lawson told News Watch that many of the people here and in the Philippines are thankful for individuals and the nation for the help they've provided during this crisis.

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