John Wills

Name: John Wills (AKA DJ Johnny Dubs!)

Major: Broadcast Journalism

Hometown: Coal City, IL

Year Started at Hit-Mix: Fall 2020

Favorite part of working at Hit-Mix: Engaging with the community and telling fun stories on the EIU Morning Mix with Rob Calhoun every Thursday

Favorite Song: A strong tie between Usher's "Yeah!" and Justin Bieber's "Baby"

Hobbies: Photography, hiking, candle collecting, looking at myself in the mirror

Interesting Fact About Myself: I have two extra teeth! A pair of bottom canines that sit just below my current ones. The dentist told me he's never seen that before.

Best Memory at WEIU so far: Broadcasting live with the whole Hit-Mix crew from Dirty's Bar and Grill each year during the Homecoming Parade!

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